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Williams & Jensen Lobbyists, Political Consultants

Legal Practice Areas

Energy & Environment: Covering a range of energy and environmental challenges

Energy & Environment

Williams & Jensen’s energy and environment practice group offers clients decades of experience on issues that are consistently at the top of the Washington agenda. Our professionals’ political sophistication, legislative and regulatory knowledge, and deep understanding of energy businesses and markets consistently deliver success for our clients.


Our energy and environment clients have included: electric utilities; refiners; energy-intensive manufacturers; a solar power manufacturer; oil, refined products, and natural gas pipeline operators; a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal operator; oil and gas producers; coal producers; and landowners.

The firm’s energy and environment practice encompasses federal policy development, lawmaking, and regulatory implementation. We have successfully represented clients interested in the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Natural Gas Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the Pipeline Safety Act, and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act.


In 2014 and 2015, Williams & Jensen helped organize, and then managed, the Producers for American Crude Oil Exports (PACE), a coalition comprised of 16 domestic oil producers, which led to the successful effort to repeal the ban on crude oil exports. The enactment of this legislation was widely recognized as a singularly remarkable lobbying achievement given the numerous obstacles and significant opposition that had to be overcome.  


In addition, we have extensive experience working with Congress and the administrative agencies on: agricultural and commodity issues; interstate waste transportation; energy project approvals; energy exports; fishery and migratory bird conservation; public land acquisition; wetlands permits; pipeline safety regulation; Superfund and hazardous waste issues; energy-related tax matters; electric utility regulation; nuclear energy issues; energy-related appropriations legislation; oil and gas development; incentives for renewable energy and advanced energy technologies; energy and environment-related crisis management; and regulation of greenhouse gas emissions. Williams & Jensen also provides ongoing services to asset managers on a wide range of energy industry issues.

Our strategic and substantive services to clients include:

Led the successful effort to repeal the 1970s-era ban on crude oil exports.

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