Legal Practice Areas
Defense & Homeland Security: Assisting clients with defense legislation
Defense & Homeland Security
Williams & Jensen assists defense and homeland security organizations successfully navigate the rapidly-changing national security policy world. We have experience representing small privately held businesses and Fortune 500 companies. We have managed projects that have resulted in increases in defense spending for specific client priorities and approval of policy-oriented legislative and report language. In addition, we have developed informal coalitions with similarly-situated defense contractors and associations in order to achieve results on Capitol Hill.
Unlike almost all other federal departments and agencies, the Department of Defense is guided by both annual authorization and appropriation legislation. This regular order process provides opportunities each year for interested parties to have a direct impact on spending levels and policy decisions that form the framework for our national defense. The Department of Homeland Security exists under a similar, regular order legislative process, which provides a consistent forum for input from affected parties.
Since the tragedies of September 11, national security issues have risen to the forefront of public policy. With that focus, the landscape has become more cluttered and difficult to negotiate. Our firm has the experience and expertise to help clients develop and implement comprehensive strategies, and interact effectively with key decision-makers in Congress, the Administration, and relevant agencies and service branches.
Williams & Jensen stands ready to assist you in matters related to national defense and homeland security.
Williams & Jensen has a proven record of success in helping clients understand defense and homeland security policy and legislation, identify opportunities, and achieve their goals.
The numerous defense and homeland security issues on which we have worked include:
Annual Department of Defense Authorization bills
Annual Department of Defense Appropriations bills
Army Corps of Engineers projects
Base Closure and Realignment (BRAC)
Contract "bundling"
Department of Defense environmental remediation
Introduction of new technology to Department of Defense